Full Integration Tests #2


Video of the setup for the Vipper’s execution. You can see a 12V power source connected to the socket. This power source is used to power the Control Board, the motor that rolls/unrolls the body, and the air compressor, which uses a 12V auxiliary car power outlet. You can also see the air compression regulator, the base, the body and the head.


Video showing the begnning of the expansion of the Vipper’s body. You can also see the camera in the head showing what’s ahead, the presence of harmfull gas, the current temperature, and the mapping in a straight line.


Video showing the Vipper pushing and going around an obstacle.


Video showing the Vipper hiting walls. It first hit a big box and turning to the left, then hitting a wall and slowly turning to the right. After hiting the wall, it finds easier to expand the bent part of the body back than going forward, as it is being used in a open enviroment, if used in a closed enviroment, the body will have many options for where to go, so it will try to push the head, which is what happens after the bent part expands enough to hit a wall.


Video showing the user sending messages to be played in the head, and the mapping of the head turning left. There are still many improvements to be done with the mapping, since the distance is not right, and it cannot detect correctly when it starts going forward, when it stops and when it starts going backward.


Fast-forward of the robot continuing to expand.